Build on windows 10

Hello there
I want to start helping with the development, but i need to build the project under Windows10. I saw the windows documentation page but it says it’s not complete…

I’ve installed MinGW, Git, Node, Python, pip, rustup, poetry, the build process starts ok but eventually hangs with some random error.
I was wondering do you have a working VM image for windows? Or maybe a more detailed tutorial or maybe can you tell me what version of the tools above is needed (python, rustup etc) ?

Thanks a lot

If you show us the error message we can probably help get it working.

Our release builds are automatically built from the Makefiles, it seems like you have the tools required to build installed so following those Makefiles should make it quite clear what to do. In most cases everything follows standard building practices for each language (python repos using poetry, web-ui using npm and aw-server-rust using cargo).

It seems the problem is with aw-client. After the first aw-client build the second build fails with “AssertionError: Egg-link c:\users\administrator\venv\src\aw-client does not match installed location of aw-client (at c:\users\administrator\activitywatch\aw-client)”
I have to mention that the build is inside venv as recommended, and also that the second build is triggered from the main Makefile
