Dark Theme Made!

Hi Everyone,

I’m Mohamed Salah. Frontend Developer.
I really love this application with its amazing features, but unfortunately, I didn’t found the dark mode feature ready yet.

So I decided to help (by the experience of my job) and make a CSS file that overrides the web app theme to be dark.

Here is a screenshot for the Dashboard page in the dark mode which I made:


So what exactly I made,
I coded a CSS file called dark.css in the aws_server/static/css path (this is the path of the production zip release on Github), and coded some CSS rules to overrides elements colors from light to dark theme, and for producing this dark theme, I put a link to this CSS file at the end of <head> in the index.html file, and it works as expected.

So now for web-UI developers at this project,
They simply can make a button in the navbar or in settings to toggle the <link> state of this CSS file from the document head, and save it to localStorage.

I hope that I helped in producing a required feature.

I don’t know if this allows me to be on the contributed list or not,
But I hope this is will happen, I’ll be very happy about this.

Please let me know where can I send this dark.css file to you.
And if you are not interested to work on this feature now, I can make a Readme file, to tell users how to download this dark theme file and append it to the project to work on their local machines successfully.


Help wanted Here