Disparity in tracking total day-wise non-AFK time

I’ve been using AW for tracking my screen time. I usually take the total time mentioned in the Category Sunburst. I recently checked the Timeline (barchart) visualisation and found that when I add the times on the chart, the total is an hour or so lesser than the Category Sunburst. There’s a similar mismatch when I add up by Top Applications or Top Browser Domains (to add context, I do use only Chrome on most days).
Would love to know how I could get the most accurate screen time.

P.S. I found a similar thread here: How to I get the total screen time

I found the same issue i.e. disparity between Timeline (barchart) visualisation and total active time.

I also did some post-processing of my tracked records to verify the calculated results shown on the web:

  • The “Time active” shown below the daily title seems to be the sum of active windows during not-afk period (i.e. intersection between active appliction and not-afk time);
  • In the daily view, the bar height seems to be equal with the sum of not-afk time during the day. therefore it is always larger than the “time active” value.

For the other visualization (i.e. category tree, category subburst, top applications, top window titles), i didn’t do a thorough check, but they seems to add up to the active time in my rough calculation.

I assume all the calculation formula could be found somewhere in the code library. It still would be nice if there is also some explannation and clarification about how the data/visualization is produced on the doc.

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