Netflix/Youtube Video Tracker

I’m a heavy user and track all TV shows/movies I’ve watched (and also rate it). As I’m also quite a heavy Youtube user, I’m always missing something to track my youtube history. It would be very nice (also as USP for you guys) if your browser extension would support this and track as much meta-data related youtube-videos as possible.

I don’t know if this is possible (as they don’t have a public API anymore), but to automatically track Netflix would be also quite usefull. I hate that I need to always track my media consumption there manually. I don’t really use it (as I prefer the normal Netflix application), but traktflix seems to have an approach to get at least some information by browser.

If you watch Netflix/YouTube in your browser the data is already there, we just need to filter it out from the browser history in a nice manner.

It’s a shame that Googles YouTube APIs are so restricted, they have some public APIs for statistics but their internal APIs obviously has tons of more features (in this case we are missing their APIs for watchtime on a per-user basis).

That was exactly the idea. As there aren’t a lot solutions to track the Youtube history, this would be a quick win and a good USP for ActivityWatch.

Already the title, duration, watch-date/time would be nice.

I think it would be useful to group this data by channel name for youtube - sometimes video titles don’t clearly describe what you’re watching and the channel name adds extra context.

Unfortunately, this information isn’t provided in the youtube title.

However, I do have an TamperMonkey userscript that adds video length in minutes and channel name to the title (I created it to easily see how long youtube videos are and to group videos by the same channel manually in the TabsOutliner extension). I plan to push the code up to github and release it as open source (I’ve been procrastinating on doing this). If anyone here is interested, I can also link the script here once I get it done.

Related: We recently merged the ‘audible-as-active’ feature (see: Watching YouTube video (or any streaming media content) in the active browser window means not being afk).

It’s not quite what’s talked about in the OP, but I assume most people who voted on this feature are looking for something like ‘audible-as-active’ so thought I would mention it here for visibility.