Non-geek installation

Installation of ActivityWatch was a pain - and I don’t know why.
I have a basic computer with Windows 11 Home.

I tried to install AW for the individual user and for the computer as a whole. No luck. Removing AW was also done in an incomplete fashion by CCCleaner and the Windows tool.

Is there a guide for this - designed for the nongeek that is not willing/able to go into their computer’s inner workings?

You must know what was painful about the installation. I presume you used the recommended installer and then something happened. What happened? Did you try to install it to a location other than C:\Users[user]\AppData\Local\Programs\ActivityWatch because that’s the only configurable option after selecting the scope of the installation.

The guide for non geeks is to download the installer, run it and use the recommended options.

Also be a little cautious of CCCleaner. It can forcibly remove runtime from your system and doesn’t always leave the system in a reliable state. I have know CCCleaner and similar utilities to leave a registry items that suggest a framework or shared resource is currently installed when in fact it has been removed. This can cause problem for installers which rely on these elements being accurately reported.

Hi there.
I did installation first for my account, than for the whole computer.
Yes, I downloaded the installer.
Yes, I was not happy with CCCleaner and also removed it.