Server Side Category

I notice the category lived in the browser session. If we open different browser profile, the category modification will be lost.

Adding server side category will have the benefit:

  • Category modification will be available accross multiple session
  • Client side can request available category
    This can be a potential solution to Add an "Exclude" list - #14 by Dinar
    - User setup category
    - User mark certain category as blocklist
    - AW-Server reject any activity sent by AW-Watcher that match blocked category

Server-side categories have just been implemented in a recent beta (v0.12.3b12). Try it out if you want!

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I have tried v0.12.3b13 but it seems to not save anything into backend.
When I change categories I do not see any requests to server to save them.

I onle see request on start to GET http://localhost:5600/api/0/settings,
but it returns empty object: {}.