Timers with notifications


I’d like to be able to create notifications (or timers) that will notify me after a set period of time of PC use.

I do periodic pauses to rest my eyes from the screen so I need to be able to set a period of 20 minutes of use with a minute of AFK time.

I would also like to be able to set limits per app how much time to spend per day.

This obviously needs to loop as long as AW is running and the timer should pause when AFK is detected by AW.

I tried finding a way to create this myself but I’ve noticed you don’t support community plugins/extensions yet.

I would also like to be able to set limits per app how much time to spend per day.

Using regex (like categorization currently works) so that browser tabs can also be affected.

This achievable by writing your own watcher. Just query the aw-watcher-afk bucket. If it’s set to afk ignore. Otherwise show a notification every 20 mins.