User Name & Password for Accessing Home Page


we have deployed utility in multiple systems, out of which one is configured as server, that machine ip is configured in all other clients.

Now to view activity report we are using main system, here we have identify one issue.

Anyone who knows server ip can view the activity by entering the IP address

while loading this page system should ask user name & password and only authorised user should be able to see the results

How can we achieve this.

Manish Pandya

ActivityWatch does not support this and we don’t intend to support it either.

If a user has access to push data into a server it should also have the right to see it, modify it and remove it. Not allowing the user to access the data it generated is considered illegal in many countries due to data protection laws and we find that use-cases based on this to be unethical.

Hi Johan,

Yes if user has access to push data into a server it should also have the right to see it - but what about the other users who doesn’t have right to see it.

we have hosted activity watch server on public server, at the moment any one can see the details, Question is how to protect user’s data. when user open the activity link - system should prompt for authorisation - only authorised user should be able to see the details

We take user’s privacy very seriously, Activity watch is installed post consent sole purpose of installing Activity watch is monitoring productivity and is non-invasive to user’s personal security and activity

Information must be visible to authorised user.

Please share your views

The only suggestion I have that would work today would be to have the server on a private network and access it with a proxy/vpn.

We have considered making it possible for users to generate a report which they then in turn can submit to a remote server, but there has not been enough request to implement that feature so we have not started working on that. Sync is must more requested, but that solution only works for a small amount of users.