Using ChatGPT (or Other Open-Source LLMs) for Categorization

Hello, everyone!

I recently found this amazing program and community, and I’m loving it so far. The way we can track our activities using this open-source platform is very nice.

One thing that bugs me, though, is the way we categorize activities. Right now, we’re using a system based on regex, which is okay, but sometimes it messes up or leaves some activities uncategorized.

This got me thinking - since all we’re doing is categorizing some text, why not use an AI model like ChatGPT or another open-source one that can run locally to help with this?

I don’t even think we need a very smart one because this is not a very complicated task, but perfect for a LLM. And I am sure we will see fewer miss categorizations and have fewer activities left uncategorized.

What do you all think? Is this something worth trying? I’d love to hear your thoughts.

Is there a way to interact with the category list as a file? Maybe we could write a python script to read and write to the files locally?