Web watcher doesn't work with Brave


I have the same problem but I’m using Brave under windows 10 with the chrome extension.

I supposed that the problem exist because the window is identified as brave and not chrome?

BTW, nice work.

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We have not tested if the plugin works in brave, but if it does and this would be correct. Considering that Brave is essentially just chrome with a few additions I would assume that it likely works.

So first, go into the “Raw Data” tab in activitywatch.
If the “aw-watcher-web” bucket seem to contain data the extension probably works properly in brave.
If this is the case, the data is there but the query from the web-ui to aw-server needs to know the name of the Brave window to apply its filter properly.

If you want to help us to fix that, check your “aw-watcher-window” bucket. Find a event in there which refers to brave and paste the exact string of the “app” field. If we know that string we can add that to the window filter in aw-webui and it should then work in the next release.

I checked, the watcher web is working like a charm, so in the raw window data I have this kind of line:

  • 32.957s ago
    title: You can now track your web browsing with ActivityWatch - News - ActivityWatch Forum – Brave
    app: brave.exe

So the app field is: “brave.exe”

That could be great to have it for the next release :slight_smile:

PS : for Opera it’s “opera.exe” :wink:

Thanks! :slight_smile:

Previously we have added support for firefox beta/chromium/chrome beta etc. through this method but I just realized that things might be more complicated than I thought after looking at the aw-watcher-web code. Apparently it also matters what the name of the aw-watcher-web bucket is (such as aw-watcher-web-chrome). Can you check what the bucketname is? I assume that either ends with “-chrome” or it’s broken and has a name such as “-undefined” or just “-”.

If it’s broken we might also need an update of aw-watcher-web

I saw there is an issue open for Vivaldi support. I didn’t see Vivaldi in the 1 reviewed commit. It may be coming.

Please add support for Vivaldi.

Here’s more up-to-date info about what needs to be done to support these browsers.

even though the issue with Brave not working seemed to be fixed in the pullrequest #131 - it’s still not being recognized by the newest version. Is there some further setup needed for that?

We can unfortunately not do anything about it because brave fakes its name for websites to be detected as chrome.

Here’s the brave github issue which needs to be fixed:

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Thanks for the explanation. Well there is other browsers out there so no big deal. Keep up the good work

Thanks for the info. The github issue listed has been closed and a related issue has been solved (as far as I can tell). Is it possible now for the web watcher to detect websites through brave?

It’s possible, but they solved it in a way that is not following web standards buäy putting it in the user-agent (the way that firefox, chrome, opera, safari, edge etc. does which we support today).

So our web watcher which today is completely agnostic to the type of browser you use now need specific code for brave. It’s possible but not desirable, but it seems like it’s our only option. Because of this I will not hurry and fix this issue because the brave developers themselves have created the issue.

It would be great if we could get this. I almost always use Brave and would love better tracking of tabs.

Thanks for your great work!

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Im not qualified to say but it seems like the issue has been resolved. Is it worth revisiting this?

@joey That github issue is not a solution, it’s a workaround. See the following github issue for more info https://github.com/ActivityWatch/activitywatch/issues/461

+1’ing this thread rather than opening a new one… was this ever addressed / figured out? I’ve been picking around at the GitHub threads and not getting much insight. If the best answer is “switch to Chrome” I guess I could be convinced :slight_smile:

Any progress on this topic? I’m new to AW and I’m using Brave.

When I open aw-watcher-web-chrome I can see events there but on the Activity - Browser tab there’s no data. So I guess this was not resolved?

hola, tambien estoy usando brave y activitywatch, me gustaria saber la solucion para categorizar mi actividad